Friday, July 07, 2006

Welcome to "The Birthright"!

Several times in the Scripture the Lord Jesus is declared to be "The Firstborn". The Scripture is using the family culture of Old Testament Israel (instituted by God) to picture Christ's relationship to His Father, His creation, and to us as God's children. To be the "firstborn" in Old Testament Israel did not necessarily mean that person was the first one born. Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David are a few examples (see Genesis 16-22; 25-27; 48:8-20; 1 Chronicles 5:2; Psalm 89:19-37). They were not the first ones born but were declared to be the firstborn.

To be the firstborn in Israel's culture meant to hold special status in the family. The firstborn had special position. He was the father's "right-hand man", representing the father's authority to the family. He had special inheritance. The firstborn received a double-portion of the inheritance from the father (see Deuteronomy 21:15-17). Lastly, the firstborn had special responsibility. He held the responsibility for the welfare of the family. This was why he received the double-portion inheritance. He had sufficient to help any of the family should they be in need.

Thus we can see why the Lord Jesus is declared to be "Firstborn". It speaks of His special status, in three distinct relationships. He is Firstborn over all creation (Colossians 1:15). He is Firstborn from among the dead (Colossians 1:18). And He is Firstborn among many brothers (Romans 8:29).

The Lord Jesus is, and always has been, the Firstborn over all creation (Hebrews 1:2-4). So, when mankind, the highest of God's creation, fell, Jesus took His responsibility as Firstborn and came to save us. As "firstborn over all creation", He laid down His life and became "firstborn from among the dead", and through His resurrection, bringing many sons into glory with Him (Hebrews 2:9-10), He became "firstborn among many brothers".

"But you have the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven" Hebrews 12:22-23.

Romans 8:17, in the Amplified Version, reveals the wonder of what has happened to us as believers in Christ...

"And if we are [God's] children, then we are [His] heirs also; heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ - sharing His inheritance with him..."

As His "fellow heirs", Jesus has included us in His birthright and so we also have become "firstborn ones." Jesus is the Firstborn by right. We are God's children and joint-heirs with Him - firstborn ones - by grace.

In future posts we will look at what this birthright means to each of us as believers in Christ.

We trust that our sharing in three separate blogs...
"The Living Edge"
"Sure Foundations"
"The Birthright"
...will strike a chord in your heart for God's ultimate purpose in your life.

Together with these blogs comes our prayers for the unity of the Body of Christ and special blessing upon your life.

We believe the Word of God is a living reality. With religion, it is only the Word become word, but in God's pure salvation, it is the Word become flesh in us (see John 1:14).

Every blessing,

Paul and Bunty Collins